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Android Apk Signature

Generate apk file

Execute quasar build -m android in the templates directory under the project

  • After the execution is completed, an unsigned file will be generated in the /GreaterWMS project directory/templates/dist/cordova/android/apk/release/

  • Open a terminal at the release, prepare to generate a signature file, enter the password as prompted, press Enter all the way when entering the information, enter CN when generating the country/region in the last step, and confirm NN with Y

enter keytool -genkey -v -keystore greaterwms.keystore -alias Greaterwms -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 20000

  • greaterwms.keystore is the generated signature file, Greaterwms is the alias

start signing

jarsigner -verbose -keystore greaterwms.keystore -signedjar Greaterwms.apk app-release-unsigned.apk Greaterwms

  • greaterwms.keystore is the signature file we generated in the previous step
  • Greaterwms.apk is the signed file to be generated
  • app-release-unsigned.apk is the unsigned file generated by the previous packaging

Install the signed apk file

type adb install Greaterwms.apk