Ubuntu 20 64-bit deployment¶
sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
install vim
sudo apt install vim
Enter the Home directory
cd ~
Add "alias vi=vim" to bashrc
Refresh takes effect bashrc
source .bashrc
install git
sudo apt install git
Download GreaterWMS from gihub
sudo git clone https://gitee.com/Singosgu/GreaterWMS.git
install nodejs
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v14.18.3/node-v14.18.3-linux-x64.tar.gz tar zvxf node-v14.18.3-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/local echo ''' export NODE_HOME=/usr/local/node-v14.18.3-linux-x64 export PATH=\(PATH:\)NODE_HOME/bin export NODE_PATH=$NODE_HOME/lib/node_modules''' /etc/profile
Make environment variables take effect immediately
source /etc/profile sudo ln -sf /usr/local/node-v14.18.3-linux-x64/bin/node /usr/bin/node sudo ln -s /usr/local/node-v14.18.3-linux-x64/bin/npm /usr/bin/npm
Verify that node is installed successfully
sudo node -v
Verify that npm is installed successfully
sudo npm -v
- After this step is completed, you need to restart your Terminal, otherwise the upgrade will not take effect
sudo npm install npm -g sudo npm install yarn -g sudo npm install -g quasar/cli
Make sure your python version is above 3.8, in principle 3.6 is also possible, but there will be some problems with installing the library
Make sure you have pip3 installed
pip3 list
If you don't have pip3, install it
sudo apt install python3-pip
Check if the installation was successful
pip3 list
Elevate GreaterWMS Folder
sudo chmod -R 755 GreaterWMS
cd GreaterWMS sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Sometimes, you will have problems installing these libraries because of the python3 version. Don't worry, just sudo pip3 install the wrong library.
sudo daphne -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application Now open the browser, enter "", you will see a 500 error, congratulations, you can deploy the next thing normally
Go back to the GreaterWMS folder
Ctrl + C
Database generation and migration
sudo python3 manage.py makemigrations sudo python3 manage.py migrate
Start GreaterWMS
sudo daphne -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application - Now open your browser, type "" and you will see the project is running - Enter "", you will get your intranet IP, be sure to remember it
Go back to the GreaterWMS folder
Ctrl + C
Go to templates folder
cd templates
Wait for the Yarn installation to complete. In fact, you can also sudo npm install , but it will be slower
sudo yarn install
Start the front-end page with the quasar command
sudo quasar d
The front end will send a request to "", here we just check if the project can run
Since version 2.0.19, the modification method of the request address has been optimized. By directly modifying the baseurl and wsurl in templates/dist/spa/statics/baseurl.js, you can successfully change the front-end request address, and you no longer need to do the following quasar build packaging works.
- If you need to modify the front-end content, you also need to modify the baseurl and wsurl in templates/public/statics/baseurl.js, and then re-use quasar build for packaging
Press Esc and type ":wq" to save changes Now, you know how to deploy and modify the request address
Modifications need to be repackaged
sudo quasar build
Go back to the GreaterWMS folder
cd ..
Restart GreaterWMS
sudo daphne -b -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application
Now, open a browser and enter "Intranet IP: 8008"