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Windows 10 64-bit deployment

Download python3.9.5 (the version is mainly based on your own computer system, we take 64-bit as an example)

  • Right click, run the exe file as administrator, install python3.9.5
  • Be sure to check Add Python3.9 To PATH, then click Install Now

pip set permanent Alibaba cloud mirror source

Go to the following address: C:\Users{your username}\AppData\Roaming create a new pip folder Create a file pip.ini in the pip folder and add the following:

[global] trusted-host = index-url =

Add system environment variable %HOME%\pip\pip.ini

Download sqlite3 (the version is mainly based on your own computer system, we take 64-bit as an example)

  • Unzip the zip file, and the unzipped file will overwrite the file in the python path dll, the address is ~ C:\Users{your username}\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\DLLs

Download Node.JS14.18.3 (the version is mainly based on your own computer system, we take 64-bit as an example)

Download Git (the version is mainly based on your own computer system, we take 64-bit as an example, you need to download the 64-bit version)

  • Right click, run the exe file as an administrator, and then go to the next step
  • Select which directory you want to put GreaterWMS in, right-click and select Git Bash Here

Download GreaterWMS code from gitee

git clone - In the search bar in the lower left corner, enter cmd - Right click and run cmd as administrator - View Python version

python -V

  • Check if pip is installed

    pip list

Upgrade pip to the latest version

pip install --upgrade pip

Enter the GreaterWMS placement directory, which is placed in downlowad during the demo, so we go into the directory ~ cd C:\Users{your username}\Downloads\GreaterWMS\

pip install python dependency library

pip install -r requirements.txt

Twisted may not be installed, you need to download it and install it manually

  • Download your own suitable version, for example: my demo video is Python3.9.5, and the Win10 version is 64-bit
  • So I'm going to download Twisted-20.3.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
  • Place the downloaded Twisted in the root directory of GreaterWMS and install it manually

pip install Twisted-20.3.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl

run install requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Start GreaterWMS

daphne -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application

  • Now open the browser and enter
  • If you see an error of 500, it means that all previous Python dependencies have been installed

Go back to the CMD interface, hold down Ctrl+C to exit the project startup Generate database migration files

python makemigrations

Generate database

python migrate

  • start the project again

    daphne -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application

  • Now open the browser and enter

  • View LAN IP, browser input
  • Save or remember this IP address
  • It must be noted that the intranet IP obtained by windows is different every time you start up. Either you set a fixed intranet IP to this computer on your router, or you don't turn off the computer.

Go back to the CMD interface, hold down Ctrl+C to exit the project startup Go to the templates directory

cd templates

  • Since version 2.0.19, the modification method of the request address has been optimized. By directly modifying the baseurl and wsurl in templates/dist/spa/statics/baseurl.js, you can successfully change the front-end request address, and you no longer need to do the following quasar build packaging works. If you need to modify the front-end content, you also need to modify the baseurl and wsurl in templates/public/statics/baseurl.js, and then re-use quasar build for packaging

upgrade npm

npm install -g npm

Install Yarn

npm install -g yarn

Install the quasar environment

npm install -g quasar/cli

Install the windows build tools Note: If you can't install it, please download Visual Studio to install the C++ environment

npm install -g windows-build-tools

Install core-js dependencies

npm install -g core-js

Check if global dependencies are installed

npm list -g --depth=0

Install project dependencies

yarn install

  • This process will be a bit slow, sometimes very fast, because the network is blocked
  • If an error occurs, it is blocked due to network reasons. We provide a downloaded front-end dependency, and you can download it.

Download front-end dependencies

git clone

If it is a LAN deployment, change to the intranet IP you just checked

const baseurl = '' const wsurl = 'ws://'

  • save and exit

Recompile the front end in the templates directory

quasar build

Go back to the GreaterWMS root directory

cd ..

Add the -b parameter to the startup project

daphne -b -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application

  • Next, you can use your browser to visit { http://intranet IP:8008 } to view the project
  • Computers on the LAN can also access the project through this IP